Monday, December 15, 2008

Pictures of Lady Sovereign

Enjoy here If there's one thing that writing my Pictures Of Jentina article back in June of 2004 has taught me it's that I'm not that bad at optimising my site and content in order to draw people in, people like to see pictures of celebrities (artistic licence for use of the word "celebrities";bear with me), and children these days are uncapable of spelling. Okay, that's three things. And uncapable was deliberate

Anyway, hot on the heels of that Jentina post (or nearly a year later if you want to get all technical and accurate about it) comes the next in my thrilling series: Pictures Of Semi-Famous People 'N' 100% True Facts 'N' Stuff. It was a difficult choice selecting a new beneficiary for this series but in the end I chose Lady Sovereign. There were a number of reasons why I chose Lady Sovereign but the main one was an attempt to stop people still leaving comments on the Jentina article: it's been eleven months people! Stop it already! I know most of you couldn't spell if your life depended on it but I was harbouring a small hope that you knew what dates were, what they looked like, and in what approximate order they tended to appear.

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